Where Should You Hide Your Extra House Key?

It is very tempting to sacrifice security for convenience. However, putting a spare house key in place where you can easily access it means that someone else can access it, too. And no matter how clever you think you are, we can guarantee someone else has done it …...

Job One: Securing Your Home

As Fort Riley Locksmiths, we know how important home security is to every family. We work tirelessly to ensure our client’s families are safe and their possessions are secure. Our entries today address this important topic in three parts, of which we cover the first...

Locked Out Of Your Car? Call The Pros

One of the worst feelings in the world is when you lock your keys in the car. You are helpless and have to hope that an auto locksmith is available to help you. Here in Manhattan and the surrounding area, you can take comfort in the fact that JC Manhattan Locksmith is...